What clients are saying...

Tom, I can’t thank you enough for all you did with the sale of our property after the passing of my husband. Your knowledge of the Conservation authority and historical or, as you joked, hysterical society, expertise in dealing with our very uncooperative tenant and guidance provided to my long time lawyer were invaluable. With me living in TO and the property in Milton, your continuous patience, positive attitude and humour with the many delays in closing (due to our tenant) were reassuring. When we originally met to discuss selling the property, I was of the opinion you had an easy job of it selling our 98 acre property. After we closed, I now realize how wrong I was. I learned so much from you and you were happy to share and keep both myself and my-sister in law in the loop every step of the way.  If tipping was legal in real estate, you would have got a big one! Awesome, incredible job and when the time comes to sell my condo in TO, you’re my agent.

- Phyllis L.

As a retired high school teacher, I found your attention to detail and extensive knowledge of the complexities involved in selling our property truly impressive and satisfying. Unlike other agents we interviewed, you demonstrated awareness of the challenges associated with selling a stigmatized home. During our meeting, not only did you already possess knowledge about our specific issue, but you also offered several solutions and strategies before even securing the listing. When I inquired about your openness, I appreciated your response. You conveyed something to the effect of, "If you don't believe I'm the best choice for you and your property, I just want to ensure that whoever you choose is well-informed about the challenges they'll face."

In the end, both we and the buyers (and their agent) were extremely pleased with the outcome. Thanks again.

- Judith L.

Tom, on behalf of Brad and myself, we are happy to recommend you to anyone going through a divorce and forced to sell their home. As you know, we may have not been the most cooperative to deal with on any given day or mood. Thanks for your kindness, understanding and fairness about all else. You never once took sides. Somehow you were able to skilfully mediate between us, focussing only on constructive, forward moving conversations and ramp down potential conflicts. Your “is this going to help get the best value for your home” question still rings in both our heads and really did help us focus on what had to happen. Did you ever consider being a marriage councillor? All joking aside, your guidance on how to keep our divorce quiet during the sale and your steady, calm, cool and collected approach made us both feel we were good hands even if we didn’t always show it.

- Gemma B. & Brad C.

Hey Tom! After witnessing your coaching style and demeanor in AAA hockey, dealing with some rather "enthusiastic" hockey parents (wink😃), we were absolutely convinced you were the right person for selling our house in Milton. Even my brother, a realtor from another province, talked to you and a few local agents, and he couldn't stop praising your knowledge and level-headed approach. Our house might not have been much to speak of, but the land was worth more, considering it was severable. And you even help walk the buyers through that process during the conditional sale.

What really blew us away was your initial offer to let another agent take the reins because of our connection. No way! You were our guy from the get-go. Thanks a bunch!

- Names withheld

Mr. Ferguson. When you first asked me to provide a review I was hesitant because it is just not “my thing” but being a business owner myself, thought why not if it can help you!  Here goes…we needed to establish a value for probate on our parents’ country home in Campbellville. Not knowing any agents in the area, I called four local brokerages and told everyone the same information. Only two called back within the day and another followed up over two weeks later. When I met you at the house, I explained that we may not sell the house but needed to know a value for the estate. You understood and did a very thorough and professional opinion letter.  

You followed up with me by phone and email for well over a year to make sure everything was progressing well for our families. You were never pushy - always sincere and patient.  As you know, a family member wanted to buy our parents’ home but it became clear that was not going to happen.  Almost two years went by before we decided to sell the house. Your insights on what to do and change proved beneficial when we eventually decided to sell.   Despite considering other agents, your handling of the initial appraisal solidified our confidence in you.

In the end, I think we had about 20 offers and we still remember the driveway and road being full of agents with offers that night. Handling so many offers at once was intimidating but you kept us focused and on point during the negotiations. My sister and I were so pleased with the outcome. Unfortunately, we live too far away to use your services again but trust this recommendation helps you in the future.

- Kelly P.

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