Get to know Tom

Your real estate success depends on it

Very happily married (high school sweethearts that worked out great) with six grown children plus some grandkids with more anticipated down the road, Tom has been a licensed Realtor and Broker since 2006.  

Tom loves to have fun and is well known as "Mr. Positive" on the golf course regardless of his or any other player's shot...until it lands, of course!  But Tom also knows when it’s time to be serious and get the job done. “I’m proud to be the broker who is trusted to look after our clients' best needs and give them the sense that they are working with "AAA" professionals.”

Tom is also known for his passion for technology and can most often be found exploring and experimenting with the next big thing in real estate marketing. While owning a local real estate brokerage, Tom was one of the first offices in Ontario to go to a "digital only" office environment and was also an early adopter of digital signing technology and online marketing. This is now commonplace. When asked about being in real estate, Tom says “everything about this business has changed over the past 15 years, and it will happen again in the next 10 or sooner. An open mind and a curious attitude are what's needed to continue to find new ways to serve our clients by delivering a faster, smoother, worry-free transaction. Without them, you're toast." 

After coaching competitive hockey for over 25 years with both Milton Minor Hockey and Halton Hurricanes, Tom assumed the presidency of Halton Hurricanes AAA Hockey for 8 years, only recently retiring. Additionally, Tom has held numerous volunteer positions in both real estate and other service areas. A voracious reader, debater, learner and speaker, he loves helping others achieve their dreams.  Tom is also the founder of the Canadian Disability Tax Credit Institute, a not-for-profit helping Type 1 diabetics across Canada access their disability tax credits.

Golf is non-negotiable!

On buying or selling a home, Tom says "regardless of the market, you are in competition with others doing the same.  You need the insider edge to navigate and negotiate the process.  Having me as your broker can mean the difference between getting what you want or settling, even losing out. That is why we created our "Client Focused, Results Driven 5 Step Process!"  A serial award winner over the years means that we sell houses - lots of houses.  We keep our pulse on the market and provide you with the best strategies for any market.  Remember, you are buying or selling a valuable asset and must be strongly represented for the best outcomes." 

The property you looked at today and wanted to think about until tomorrow may be the same house someone looked at yesterday and will buy today.

Home buyers service

Buying a home is one of the largest purchases you'll ever make and you need a dedicated real estate team to ensure that you understand the different steps and aspects of your purchase.

Selling your property

Your town is a sophisticated and changing market, so you need a great real estate team on your side to ensure your home is sold for the best price and terms, in the shortest time.

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